1:13 PM Official Map Migration Has Ended & Rules Update | |
Greetings, Fighters So I've finished uploading all the maps from Gerlad's compilation about two/three weeks ago and I decided to create an announcement about it today, followed up by some more info about the updated website rules. A huge thank you goes to the authors who joined the website and contributed to its growth and also to the people who made maps for the compilation uploaded here. It kept the website big and very much alive the way we know it today; we're waiting for the rest of the (active) users to join us, but we're still VERY satisfied with the way everything works for the time being. Because the website is so big and it is very much growing, a 'Rules' page was needed to keep things organized and clean, and make the site pleasant for others to take part in. It was planned to be made for quite a while, and @chelog and I got to discuss what would be in it for a bit before he went AWOL. I'll be updating it when and if needed without any notice so you might want to check the page periodically for any changes and additions it might get. You can find the Site Rules under the Info tab at the top right corner of the screen. Here's a direct link. I'll be also looking into updating the 'About' page with owner/admin contact information and fixing formatting/grammatical mistakes in the 'How to Upload' section of the site. Stay tuned for more! Map Authors Below is a list of map authors who haven't registered to SFDMaps but their maps were uploaded here anyways. Don't worry, all credit was still obviously given to you. If you're on this list and you created an account, be sure to PM us so we transfer the maps over to you and it would be just as if you've uploaded them yourself. Alexamio (AXO) Antonikon BadSniper Captain_dikal Co. Dantheman Del Poncho Domino eleventhSymbol Fanta Golden JakeParade James Jepton Kick-ass Lampone Loudboy ODARTLIFNI Plymouth RAMBO RENTTIS RoboHobo SalvadorUriel Scorpion4Red Squatch StopSignal SuperFightér Terminator [L.A.Z.E.R] the Tom78_78 Vitamin E WondahButtah ZeroAssault ZOLYYY | |
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