Desert (v1.0) by Tom78_78
26 August 2016, 5:35 PM

Hello, I am Tom78_78 , I am 18 years old and I am german. 

I build maps since a long time, thats one of my latest maps and I hope that you enjoy it ! smile 

Big desert map with dangerous sandworms.

I hope you enjoy it ! 

Please give me some feedback, share your ideas , your problems with the map and tell me if you detect some bugs, especially if you rate my mapsmile 







-actual release

(569.9 Kb)
Category: Maps - Classic | Added by: tomottke
Views: 711 | Downloads: 392 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 2
1 sghaiermohamed • 11:08 PM, 26 August 2016
Nice map Tom! The clouds are beautifull and some places in particular are very well-done. yet I didn't see the sandstorm you are talking about
Edit: I misread sand worms as sandstorms  wacko nice feature anyway
2 tomottke • 4:21 AM, 27 August 2016
thank you smile  , but a sandstorm would be very cool, thank you for the idea wink