RandomBots (v1.1) by NearHuscarl
18 June 2022, 10:29 PM

What is this?


Ever look at the bots on the title screen and wonder why yours aren't just as random and unique? Wonder no more! This script allows you to play with randomly generated AI profiles every game utilizing the same code that generates AI for the main menu. It also allows you to play with more than 8 fighters per lobby, as bots no longer take up lobby slots but are instead spawned with a single-time-use command.

The script automatically ends games if only bots are the only players left alive, which is functionality that can be found separately here (and toggled on or off).

There are custom commands that need to be used in order to utilize the script effectively. These commands can be found in the next section. The script retains settings set by the user between game sessions, meaning you set your preferences once and never have to toy with it again.


How to use this?

  1. Close the game if already open, then Subscribe to the script on the Steam Workshop.
  2. Let the game update and launch it.
  3. Toggle the RandomBots script 'On' from the Create Game settings menu if you want to enable it before going in-game. Alternatively, already in-game, write "/startscript RandomBots" into the chatbox and press Enter.

Inside the lobby, input the following command in:

/rb sb <Team> <Difficulty-Amount>

<Team> is the bots' team (0-4), <Difficulty> is the AI difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard or Expert), and <Amount> is the amount of bots to spawn (limited to the amount of spawners per map).

e.g: /rb sb 0 expert-3 hard-1

This will set three Expert and one Hard bot to fight independently.


Prefix Command Extra Value(s) Description
 /rb  help | h | ?    Print this panel.
 /rb  settings | s    Show script settings.
 /rb  setbots | sb  <Team> <Difficulty-Amount>  Set script bots to play with.
 /rb  clearbots | cb    Remove bots (next round).
 /rb  random | r    Random bots each game.
 /rb  allowonlybots | aob    Bot-exclusive gameover.











Thanks for downloading, as always, all constructive feedback welcome!

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Category: Scripts - Small Scripts | Added by: KliPeH
Views: 491 | Downloads: 501 | Rating: 0.0/0
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