Customizable Drones (v1.3.0b) by Danger Ross
03 August 2019, 4:01 AM

Open the script to see the options.
You can change what Street Sweepers shoot to anything in the game, just make sure the ID is correct (the name).

The second options affects projectiles only and currently only has 3 settings: None, Bouncing, Fire.

(4.3 Kb)
Category: Scripts - Small Scripts | Added by: DangerRoss | Tags: Customization, 1.3.0
Views: 1182 | Downloads: 979 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 3.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 nicolasito9393ngpro • 3:03 PM, 02 July 2021
Como demonios se utiliza esto :\'(  wink