BotTaunts (v1.3) by ebomb09 (Modified by sree)
04 May 2019, 10:04 PM

What is this?

This is a modified KillFeed script that allows bots to taunt other players when certain actions are executed. These action include

  • Reactions to melee / ranged kills and deaths
  • Reactions to fall / fire / explosive damagest
  • Reactions to the acquirement of items
  • Reactions to the use of grabs and powerups
  • Low-HP distress call-outs

And more.

The script includes a setting to change how often taunts are displayed, and whether real plaxgyers should use them too. Each action has a randomized taunt selection which can be fully modified to the user's satisfaction.

Speech-bubble colors can be modified on an RGB scale (default settings feature default colors) to give each bot a unique "personality" throughout the play session. The bots are also able to address themselves or their enemies directly using their nicknames for increased immersion value.

Why use this?

Hosting a public multiplayer game does not always guarantee real players will join the server.

On these occasions, bots can be used as a supplement or as an alternative way to have some fun. Killing soulless AI fighters can get boring, though, so the taunt script aims to give players using it proper feedback upon executing different moves and tactics. Bots will curse, mock, get frustrated with and berate other bots and players - in an attempt to simulate a real online game experience.

The default taunt-set features a large selection of (mostly toxic) SFD and general videogame terminology / slang to give the illusion of chat being used instead of a basic selection of typical AI responses. The script enables bots to claim you cheat, use cheap tactics, make excuses as to why they lost, complain about various game features, shit-talk whenever they manage to win etc.

Taunts can be changed to movie or videogame quotes if the player so desires; hearing "Hasta la vista, baby" just before you're filled with lead can be surprisingly entertaining. A host can add their own funny quotes to the selection for the bots to use, or choose to disable chat entirely and apply the taunts on real players as well for a smoother online experience.



Please do not read the taunt list if you wish to be surprised!

My version (the "Community" pack) is a compilation of various phrases and terms commonly used by the SFD community and in other online games. The conversations between the bots are entertaining because you don't know how they'll react, not until you've been using the script for a while. Seeing a new phrase will always catch you by surprise and it's better it be kept that way!

That said, I do believe in transparency, so this is the taunt list you'll be receiving if you choose to use my toxic pack.

NOTE: I deliberately avoid using profanity ("fuck you", "bitch", "pussy" etc.) in my version of the script to keep the toxicity on player-"friendly" levels. This is not something you should be worrying about. However, you can take your version in any direction you want.



  • As with many other scripts, the constant checks on player / bot actions may be slightly taxing on local performance and may very slightly decrease overall FPS and game loading times, although not on a noticeable level (I'm not experiencing any performance issues on my system).


  • The speech-bubble taunts are also displayed in chat. Again, nothing can be done about that unless the way speech-bubbles are displayed changes. This can make noticing chat messages from real players difficult. It is recommended to disable automatic taunts for real players (disabled by default), lower the taunt trigger probability if the issue persists, and set real players to different teams if seen fit.
  • Not every taunt in my community pack fits every situation perfectly. That's fine and can be expected with this large of a taunt selection.

    I find it funnier, actually, when certain taunts are used the wrong way; winning a fair one-on-one fight only for the bot to scream "2v1", or aggressively pursuing a foe just to get called "camper" puts on emphasis on how immature, ridiculous and out-of-place these callouts are. Another example is the bots using "typekill" as an excuse for losing, after being active participants throughout the entire round.

    It's hilarious.

    I like having the bots talk garbage even when it doesn't make sense, it only makes the experience better. You are free to remove specific taunts if you don't want them to be used in the future.
  • Taunts are displayed for a couple seconds at a time, but they may still sometimes cover parts of the level or the UI (names and health / stamina in particular). If you're trying to conserve screen space, reduce the probability of taunts triggering using the master setting.
  • The damage numbers seen in the screenshots are not included. The script can be found here.

The creation of the script would've not been possible without ebomb09 KillFeed and Stats script.
BotTaunts is based on his work and was released with his written permission.


Sree has taken KillFeed and completely rewrote it to introduce the taunt features and have them fit our needs.


Shock has written this incredible fucking thread and most of the melee-kill taunts were inspired by it.
Thank you, Shock. The script would've not been the same without you.


And most importantly, thank you, the player. Thanks for saying all this dumb shit over the years; all these times you got upset and wanted to vent in chat, all these times you won and made sure everybody knew, your opinions about his or her playstyle, about the choice of maps and weapons, criticisms of one feature or another.

Your complaints and insults have been noted and memorized, written down, fit into a script in a way that can make even the most hardy players enjoy their time getting shamed and disrespected. You've left a big imprint on the community and your words will forever stay in our memory.

Thank you.


Thanks for downloading, as always, all constructive feedback welcome!
Do feel free to share your own versions of the script!



(24.4 Kb)
Category: Scripts - Small Scripts | Added by: KliPeH
Views: 1587 | Downloads: 1663 | Comments: 6 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 6
5 Auzer • 9:20 PM, 02 June 2022
This script has a error, ı can't turn it on.
6 KliPeH • 11:14 AM, 15 July 2022
The script works perfectly fine on my side. Just as an FYI, you're meant to use it in Versus mode against bot opponents, not in the actual storymode Singleplayer.
4 dragonaso993 • 1:17 AM, 13 September 2020
esto es para los bots, toque este enlace para guiarse wink
2 danielalejandro281106 • 10:03 PM, 09 July 2019
esta osa no funciona!!!
1 danielalejandro281106 • 10:02 PM, 09 July 2019
¿Cómo hacer para que funcione
o como se copie bien?
no me funciona
3 KliPeH • 0:32 AM, 10 July 2019
Here's a guide on how to download scripts from the website and use them in-game. Please reply in English if you require any further assistance.