There are four animations available. The following animations are looped for demostration; In-game, the animations only play once.
You can change the settings with:
/ego help
This is the full list of available particles:
- AcidSplash = "ACS"
- Block = "Block"
- Blood = "BLD"
- BloodTrail = "TR_B"
- BulletHit = "BulletHit"
- BulletHitCloth = "BulletHitCloth"
- BulletHitDefault = "BulletHitDefault"
- BulletHitDirt = "BulletHitDirt"
- BulletHitMetal = "BulletHitMetal"
- BulletHitMoney = "BulletHitMoney"
- BulletHitPaper = "BulletHitPaper"
- BulletHitWood = "BulletHitWood"
- ChainsawSmoke = "CSW"
- ClothHit = "CL_H"
- CloudDissolve = "DISS"
- DestroyCloth = "DestroyCloth"
- DestroyDefault = "DestroyDefault"
- DestroyGlass = "DestroyGlass"
- DestroyMetal = "DestroyMetal"
- DestroyPaper = "DestroyPaper"
- DestroyWood = "DestroyWood"
- Dig = "DIG"
- DustTrail = "TR_D"
- Electric = "Electric"
- Explosion = "EXP"
- Fire = "FIRE"
- FireNodeTrailAir = "FNDTRA"
- FireNodeTrailGround = "FNDTRG"
- FireTrail = "TR_F"
- Gib = "GIB"
- GlassParticles = "G_P"
- GrenadeDud = "GR_D"
- ImpactDefault = "ImpactDefault"
- ImpactPaper = "ImpactPaper"
- ItemGleam = "GLM"
- MeleeHitBlunt = "HIT_B"
- MeleeHitSharp = "HIT_S"
- MeleeHitUnarmed = "HIT_U"
- PaperDestroyed = "PPR_D"
- PlayerBurned = "PLRB"
- PlayerFootstep = "F_S"
- PlayerLandFull = "H_T"
- Smack = "Smack"
- SmokeTrail = "TR_S"
- Sparks = "S_P"
- Steam = "STM"
- WaterSplash = "WS"
- WoodParticles = "W_P"
The default OP weapons are a Katana, a uzi with lazer sight and fire ammo, a grenade launcher with fire ammo, grenades, and a speed boost. To customize this, use:
/ego opitems <itemslist>
Example: /ego opitems katana uzi 24 67
By default, you have a 1/10 chance of this script triggering. You can modify this with:
/ego probability <number>
Change log v1.0.2:
- Made explanation of the "probability" setting more clear
Change log v1.1.0:
- You can now select which items will be given on gameover using "/ego opitems <itemslist>"