Stock Ticker Scrolling Template (vV 1.0) by TheOriginalCj
08 September 2016, 0:56 AM

A simple scrolling text feature that you can apply to maps you're making.

I haven't posted any maps recently, but expect at least one by the end of the week. There's not alot of documentation and this definitely requires some more for anyone to be able to use it.

The text in this case scrolls from left to right. it can be modified to scroll the other way through some philandering of sorts.

This only works for one sign only.

(10.8 Kb)
Category: Maps - Snippets & Templates | Added by: TheOriginalCj
Views: 769 | Downloads: 140 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Duck • 5:50 PM, 08 September 2016
I love it.