Sector 8 (v2017) by ill
22 June 2017, 3:01 AM

I have remade the Sector 8 map from scratch, this new version contains:

- Appropriately placed sound areas with diverse and proper sound effects

- A swinging lamp platform located around the big TV poster 

- Two swinging hooks on the left side of the map

- A background tile that doesn't exist anymore: no-smoking sign drawn pixel by pixel with _bgsymbol tiles located near the lower middle part of the map, next to two cisterns and a lamp.

- Two different lamp styles located at the watchtower's exterior

- Better polished overall background with appropriate shading

- Moving far background

- Watchtower room slightly enlarged for better mobility

Special thanks to Quinterball and Bash Kraken and other members of the community that have contributed with appropriate criticism in the process of making the map. I love this map and i wanted to create a better version to adapt to both the Official Map style, and to the new camera game option.

Edit: Removed a hard to reach camping spot from the far right side of the map.

(201.3 Kb)
Category: Maps - Original Remakes | Added by: timmeow83 | Tags: Sector 8, ill, Bash Kraken, Quinterball
Views: 955 | Downloads: 597 | Comments: 4 | Rating: 4.2/5
Total comments: 4
4 Pricey • 7:27 PM, 26 June 2017
Goddamn, this is really impressive.
1 KliPeH • 12:05 PM, 22 June 2017
Looks good to me. Didn't Sector 8 have a cargo truck on the far right though?
2 timmeow83 • 1:09 PM, 22 June 2017
I don't think so, i had a screenshot of the original map and there was no truck there. But i do think a truck would had been a good background detail
3 timmeow83 • 1:31 PM, 22 June 2017
I re-edited the map because i had to remove a small spot that seemed to bother people, the edit is in the description.