The Nuclear Button (v1.2) by Zentron
24 May 2015, 11:06 AM

The Nuclear Button
By Zentron

A perilous race to the final button. Who will win? Who will almost win? And who will die due to a nuclear explosion? There are many tough obstacles in this race, yet the biggest danger is the final button, get their first or die trying.
Now this map isn't technically a custom mode, because I don't know how to code it, but you can still win if you get to the final button first.


1.(Optional)Have your screen in 'tab' mode.
2.Do not fight, their is no point once you find out what the final button does.
3.(Obvious)Do not cheat, seriously there is absolutely no point in doing so.

DOWNLOAD NOWWWWWWWWWW, (and my other maps), you can also download em' of my website

(81.0 Kb)
Category: Maps - Fun | Added by: Zentron | Tags: the, nuke, nuclear button 2, tnb, nuclear, the nuclear button 2, Race, nuclear button, explostion. explostions, the nuclear button
Views: 938 | Downloads: 382 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 KliPeH • 12:10 PM, 24 May 2015
I've edited your post, fixing the BBCode and removing duplicate / nonexisting images. For the future, when you use BBCode tags make sure you close them with the same tag; for example: 
[color=red]red text[/red]
[size=15]font size 15[/size]
[b]bold text[/b]

Speaking of color and size, damn did you want some attention to your post. Next time please refrain from uploading numerous images to your short description (displayed on the content page) and making it unnecessarily large / colorful. Do whatever you want to the long description, but we want the maps to look equally appealing for the viewers on the main page.
Thank you.