Super Fighter Bros (v1.8.1) by M_M_M
20 September 2015, 6:58 AM

Map comes with a working drop-flag, genuine pit, and working question-mark blocks. The blocks will give a random mid to high-tier weapon, with weapons like the M60 and Bazooka having a higher spawn chance.


Later versions will have breakable bricks when I figure out how to actually do that nicely.

(28.2 Kb)
Category: Maps - Fun | Added by: mistakesmakemiracles | Tags: classic
Views: 914 | Downloads: 703 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 3.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 DrpOpZ • 10:20 PM, 20 September 2015
Hahaha, cool map! I loved the flag effect.
Here's some idea for future additions:

-What about warping pipes? I think i already have an idea of how you could implement it: area trigger checking if there's a single player and is crouching to trig a teleport to another tube. With a little bit of tweaking you could even implement a fluid animation when the player enters and gets out.

-A tube with a carnivore plant would be cool (maybe randomly activated only in some matches)

-The sun and the clouds in the BG!

-Moving toads or turtles would be amazing, but even simply a kickable shell or a static toad to splat would be cool smile

It's a real pity there's no custom sound support yet, this map would be an awesome candidate.

Hope you find these ideas useful smile