Sandy Ravage (v1.5) by Kawabanga
09 October 2015, 9:13 PM

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Post-atomic sandpit for motor enthusiasts. Sprawling beyond the horizon roads, only limited by vicious gangs and gasoline price.
v.1.5 Dynamic cars.
CAUTION: this version may require a better pc to host.


NOTE: In the dynamic version of the map, you can control every car. While being in a chase / running away , they can ride faster or slower (or just forward / backward, but lets pretend it's a chase ... :p). To do that, you have to be inside and perform action on a steering wheel.

- Ground remake of the "road" mechanism giving better performance.
- Reduction of dynamic tiles and other performance tweaks.
- Increased protection against bullets for those who sit inside the red car.
- Reverted a mistake with teams. Now three players go to blue and five to red as it was inteded in the beginning.
- Prevented cars being easily destroyed since SFD1.8.4
- 99% works in SFD Beta 1.0


Making this map used resources from: Hoang Marcel, Rrreeembooo, Gwendalaze, ShutDownMan, Lampone, and unknown.


Check my other uploads by this link:

Category: Maps - Custom Modes | Added by: Kawabanga | Tags: road, dynamic, Kawabanga
Views: 1916 | Downloads: 1197 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 4.8/6
Total comments: 1
1 Kio3057 • 10:36 PM, 10 October 2015
Good map, my friends love it : ))