Powerstation (v1.0) by TheOriginalCj
10 September 2016, 7:12 AM

Sunny City has a booming industry with an even bigger urban population. Both of these things need power distributed effectively and efficiently in order to function. Essentially a power station does that by converting much needed power into usable electricity.

However, It's also a great place to fight.

Navigate the three tiers of this map by using the fence in the center of this map to move quickly between them, however make sure nobody presses the buttons connected to the fence, as that makes the fence live. If you're climbing that fence, you'll receive a nasty shock and be kicked off it.

A relatively small map with limited room for engagement. Either take the high ground or stay low and covered, on this map, anything goes!

(112.6 Kb)
Category: Maps - Classic | Added by: TheOriginalCj | Tags: electricity, Traditional, station, power, api
Views: 959 | Downloads: 253 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 3
1 Kawabanga • 11:45 AM, 10 September 2016
You make amazing maps! Despite they aren't filled up with scripts, their environment seems rich. Nearly all of them are among my favourites. Can you make more... ? biggrin
2 TheOriginalCj • 6:25 PM, 10 September 2016
They aren't filled up with scripts? I did quite a bit of API work on this one, give me atleast a little credit.  tongue

More maps will be coming either every week or every other week. Stay tuned!
3 Kawabanga • 1:42 AM, 27 September 2016
Haven't had time to utterly test the new maps (and so I am responding to your post 17 days later... sad ). Now I've opened the mapeditor and came to realization that there, in fact, are some unique scripts.

But I wanted to say that I especially admire these maps: Terrace, Theatre,Heights, Quantum, Club (older and newer), Cabin, Democracy, Countdown, Range and that new Powerstation seems cool too. Each one filled with details and set in a unique scenery, and that is their strongest feature, I suppose.