Lab (v1.1) by Bash Kraken
19 April 2017, 1:51 AM

A secret lab with a secret plan for world domination. This map has a lot of moving parts, and is quite hectic to play on with 8 people. This, however, makes it even more fun!

1.1: Literally just changed a thing with the shadows surrounding the map. Download 1.1 if this really bothers you.

(165.9 Kb)
Category: Maps - Classic | Added by: retromanm | Tags: crazy, mechanical, Secret, Bash Kraken, hectic, LAB, classic, Metal
Views: 999 | Downloads: 567 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 4.7/3
Total comments: 2
2 Motto73 • 8:55 AM, 26 April 2017
Damn, son.
This map is art at its purest. This piece of art could be on any modern art museum; this piece of art I will never forget. If MI ever needs official map makers, I will without doubt vote for bash. That's everything I can say.
1 Presentionus • 12:23 PM, 20 April 2017
Cool map!  biggrin  
This map looks pretty cool and what updates does it need? Its perfect!  respect