Fisherman's Wharf by Rasta
20 June 2016, 7:47 AM

<span style="line-height: 20.8px;">Classic map with good Gamplay by Rasta.</span>

P.S. Eng -  if you try hard, you can catch hold of the departure from the bird cage. (Google Translate)

<p style="line-height: 20.8px;">Rus - если сильно постараться, то можно зацепится за вылетевшую из клетки птицу.

(140.3 Kb)
Category: Maps - Classic | Added by: Rasta-Tactic | Tags: classic
Views: 650 | Downloads: 432 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 4.0/1
Total comments: 2
1 miracpeker1 • 10:49 AM, 20 June 2016
I like the look of the map, very unified and eye-filling.
The bridges to the left and right are cool too, also the elevator in the middle and the teleporters. Indeed a classic map with good gameplay. It's just very closed or crowded on some sides. Not inevitably bad thing though. Make more classic maps please
2 Rasta-Tactic • 1:56 AM, 21 June 2016