Enraged (v.1.3.7d) by .Kenny
05 April 2023, 5:13 PM

i made this map a while back my skills weren't so good, a second map will be coming soon with more bosses and improved power moves system with less glitches and bugs.
(1022.2 Kb)
Category: Maps - Adventure | Added by: Kenny | Tags: Superpowers, boss fight
Views: 223 | Downloads: 335 | Comments: 6 | Rating: 4.0/1
Total comments: 6
3 firegnome7887 • 7:49 PM, 07 April 2023
Ohh I remember there is some glitches that they killed themselves with their superpowers like level 1 and 2


story: Cool

but EM is cooler

Glitches: manny
animation or cutscenes fix it, bro e move forward then he back 3 steps like someone grab him and then throw him

the bosses; number 1 boss I love how u try to throw boss number one but u cant throw him and all mechanics

but fix them really


I rate it 4/5

it's cool but the glitches are meh and boss love kill there some -1&2-
4 Kenny • 9:43 AM, 08 April 2023
thanks bro but right now im not going to update it a second map is coming soon and it will be whole lot different in power moves and this time there wont be any chances for them to kill them selfs with their own moves and there will be way more bosses which means more superpowers and it will be more challenging
5 firegnome7887 • 9:54 PM, 10 April 2023
fix cutscenes and glitches in the second map
6 Kenny • 11:08 PM, 10 April 2023
I believe that the cutscene glitches are caused by the game itself
the player starts moving absurdly and goofy

dont host public game try playing it in offline mode
2 firegnome7887 • 6:59 PM, 07 April 2023
but it so Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

but not cool as EMission its cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllller
1 firegnome7887 • 6:57 PM, 07 April 2023
BRO why it is the same map that u upload before then u delete it and that map called God Slayer